**These services are offered in the community by more than 250 New Jersey agencies and in seven residential developmental centers.
**There is no entitlement for services funded by DDD. However, the division strives to make the most effective use of available funding so that it can serve as many people as possible.
DDD determines through an application process who is eligible* to receive services it funds. Generally, to receive services, you must show that you have a severe, chronic physical and/or mental impairment that:
- manifests in the developmental years, before age 22;
- is life-long; and
- substantially limits you at least in three of the following life activities: self-care, learning, mobility, communication, self-direction, economic self sufficiency and the ability to live independently.
Some conditions that might be considered a developmental disability include: mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, spina bifida, autism or a neurological impairment.
* The complete legal definition can be found at NJSA 30:6D-25(b) and NJAC 10:46.
DDD funds three types of services:
*day services, including supports for people who are employed
*residential services that support an individual in the community
*services that support a family caring for a loved one at home
For more information or to apply for services, contact the DDD Regional Office serving your county. Regional office locations and phone numbers are listed on the reverse side of this flyer.
New Jersey Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities, P. O. BOX 726, Trenton, NJ 08625
Division of Developmental Disabilities, P. O. BOX 726, Trenton, NJ 08625
Northern Region
Bergen, Hudson and Passaic counties:
100 Hamilton Plaza, 7th Floor, Paterson, NJ 07505 973/977-4004
100 Hamilton Plaza, 7th Floor, Paterson, NJ 07505 973/977-4004