Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Social Emotional Development in Young Children: Parent Information, Resources, Support

Supporting the social and emotional development of our children through the years is an important and ongoing part of parenting.  As our children grow, their social and emotional needs and abilities change. As parents, we sometimes want to pull our hair out, while other times we relish in the cuteness, maturation or independence of our little ones.  There are many wonderful articles and resources available to families in the journey from age birth to three, and beyond. 

The NREIC Family Support Coordinators are all parents with children of varied ages.  Some of our children have special needs, and some do not.  We thought this kind of information and resource was globally useful to any parent with children… with or without special needs.  

We will from time to time share some websites or topical information that we think will provide further knowledge, resources, activities, and support to families. seems to have a lot of parent-friendly material on the topic of social emotional development in children.